• 5 июня 2016, воскресенье
  • Санкт-Петербург, Каменноостровский проспект 38, антикафе Postscriptum

English speaking culture club

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Другие события организатора

Центр ментальных технологий в Санкт-Петербурге
3122 дня назад
5 июня 2016 c 16:00 до 18:00
Каменноостровский проспект 38, антикафе Postscriptum

Welcome to our international discussion area! In this place we talk about differences and similarities in our worldview with people from different countries. What are they and what underlies them? Here we try to understand what exactly people from different countries mean under such called "universal values" and find the way to understand each other better. We continue our meetings with the discussion named "Home from Home: Globalization vs Nationality".

In the modern world the following is a topical issue: 
what is a more important thing: to make strong cross-cultural connections and let different countries influence on each other OR to preserve the wholeness and uniqueness of each particular culture? 

On this meeting we will try to find the answers to the following questions: 

What sort of attitude should people have to their native land? 
What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? 
Does globalization destroy local cultures or enrich them? 


The meeting will take place on May 28th




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